Unlock the ease of recognizing authentic support and resistance using Smart Money Concepts Levels. Discover pivotal areas where price can be delivered to and from with ease. SMC Levels are used by smart money traders to frame power of 3 trade setups.
Opening prices signify the initial traded price when the market commences trading. In the context of the New Week Opening Gap (NWOG), this occurs on Sunday at 6 PM New York local time.
As for the New Day Opening Gap (NDOG), the opening price is the first tick or traded price when the futures market reopens at 6 PM after a one-hour break. Opening prices are not arbitrary, they hold substantial importance in comprehending price movements throughout the week or day.
New Day Opening Gap (NDOG) Explanation:
New Week Opening Gap (NWOG) Explanation:
Customizable Opening 1-minute Bar:

NWOG and NDOG Property Options:

Label Offset: Controls how the spacing from the price and the SMC Level text labels. You will have to adjust these to your liking for each different time frame.
Show NWOG/NDOG: Choose to display the NWOG/NDOG on your charts.
NWOG/NDOG Event Horizon: This is the midpoint between the respective NWOGs and NDOGs.
Option to display 1-minute opening bar

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